Monday, October 10, 2011

Yom Kippur

This weekend, while many of you were watching college football (Professor, I'm looking at you), catching up on sleep, or out partying with your friends, I sat in services, repenting for my year's sins, and fasting for Yom Kippur.  It might sound like a miserable experience, but in reality (for me, anyway), it became an incredibly spiritual one.  There is nothing to do but pray and enhance your connection with God.  No food to eat, classes to attend, or work to do.  Just pray.

I won't delve too far into it.  For a more in-depth experience of my Yom Kippur last year, check out an entry from my previous blog.

Shockingly, I have a couple career updates, as well!  I will be heading to the Communications Industry Expo this week through GW's Career Center, and I found a communications opening at a Jewish nonprofit right here in DC!  Perfect, right?!  The job starts in January, though, which might be a little problematic...I think I need to relax a little bit.  Sometimes I need a reminder that it's October and I'm graduating in May.  That's still eight months from now.  I think I need a chill pill.

If only I had the Emperor's qualifications.

Would any of you like to be my sanity coach?  I'll be taking applications throughout the week!

Peace, love, and repenting,



  1. You forgot to talk about the best part of Yom Kippur... break fast. lol
    Nothing like bagels and tuna fish at 8 p.m.

  2. are you applying for the schusterman foundation? if so, i read about it and it sounds great!

  3. So wait. No eating during Yom Kippur right?

  4. Sam, one question...who wants to be sane anyway??? No but really, glad to hear you had an easy fast. And to Sandi, yes, that means no eating.

  5. Hey, you can watch college football, and not go to services, and be "culturally jewish" while thinking about how you're not at yom kippur services, right? It's all about renewal, next year I'll do better... You've all inspired me with your spiritual posts. Sam, yes, you'll find a great job, but if you really like this one, maybe you can start part time, or even get internship credit?
